Student: Teens Class 8-12

Student: Teens Class 8-12 PDF Print E-mail `When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished by how much he had learned in seven years.` - Mark Twain
Teen years are the best years of human life – full of energy and enthusiasm. Everything is rocking for the teen-agers!!

We have designed a number of programs and workshops which will help teens define their dreams and achieve them.
* Workshops
* Teen Coaching
* Teen Club

Welcome to Teen-age (Class 8-9)
This workshop is specially designed for 13-14 years old girls & boys who have just become teens. It gives them exposure to what it means to be a Teen-ager and how to manage this transition from being a kid to a Teen.

Managing Teen-age (Class 10-12)
It is a workshop for teenagers, mainly in the 15-18 years bracket. At this age teenagers are looking for direction regarding their personality, career, and relationships. This workshop gives them a platform to express, share and learn how to manage the teen-age well, so that they are successful & happy.

Managing Teen-age (Girls Only workshop)
Teenage girls have special needs to discuss and learn about managing teenage and the changes coming to them during puberty and adolescence. They are normally comfortable with sharing their experiences and feelings with females, and often find it difficult to discuss these issues even with their parents. This workshop is designed specifically for them and is taken by female facilitators only

Time Management for Teens
Time, the most important & irreversible resource, is important for everyone, but Teens face a dilemma of how to best utilize their time. This program is specially designed for them to plan & effectively manage their time.

Teen Coaching
Teen coaching is a planned program ranging from 6-9 months, wherein a Teen is coached to manage his/her life well through series of 1 hour monthly coaching sessions by expert coaches. The coaches will not give ready-made solutions to teens but help them seek answers to their issues themselves towards happier & successful life.

What really is COACHING?
"I do not need any one for coaching and counseling – I have so much experience of being a parent" OR "I meet so many counselors in my child's school" OR "My friend is a very good counselor for people and children\\\". This is what you will normally hear if you try to talk to parents about the seriousness of parent-child relationships.

Coaching can be defined as \"an ongoing partnership that helps people produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Through the process of coaching, people deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life.

Coaching is neither mentoring, nor counseling as these primarily focus on advising and giving solutions. In counseling or mentoring, the discussion starts with a problem, and the counselor or mentor helps in providing alternative solutions. Coaching, however, is a process of dialogue, where a coach helps the client or individual or group of individuals to understand their context better, seek answers themselves, for effective performance as successful teen.

Teen Club
Teen Club is a club jointly managed by you & us. It will involve multiple activities which will have lots of fun and learning. Learning by experience sharing and interacting with others and developing.

It will have debates and essays, dance & music, environment & nature and many activities to make you enjoy the teenage and learn in the process.

Watch this space to know more.