Kids (Class 1 to 4)

Kids (Class 1 to 4) PDF Print E-mail While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.
-Angela Schwindt

Kids are inquisitive and want to explore every new thing. They learn mainly by playing and by doing - but at their own pace. They want to see and feel the world through their own eyes and hands.

We help them learn at their own willing pace with lot of fun and develop their 8 multiple intelligences.
The KUB Club at Atmachetna has many activities and programs just for kids.

The club will help kids PLAY & LEARN.
P – Physical activities like games, yoga, and aerobics for health
L – Life skills like hygiene, visiting post office, and banks to manage life better
A - Amazing & surprising facts about life and world
Y - Yearning for creativity
L - Library of books and CDs to impart knowledge
E - Experimenting with science and math & learn with fun
A - Arts & crafts with a number of interesting activities to develop the artistic skills
R - Real Life situations and activities such as gardening, and pottery
N - Nature, our source of existence is most important. We take you through a series of activities to help you learn and understand this nature including trees, plants, and water.

KUB Club will help the kids to
* Develop knowledge, intelligence and skills.
* Develop an inquiring and experimental mind.
* Learn by doing & playing
* Interact with other kids and group-learning

You have an option to choose 2 activities at one point of time for a period of 3 months. You can repeat these in the next quarter too.
Mentors at the KUB Club will guide the kids and will play a number individual and group games.

Launching soon!
Last Updated on Sunday, 17 January 2010 10:18